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Admiral Byrd’s Diary

December 30, 2007 from TheTruthSeeker Website Spanish version The exploration flight over the North Pole I must…

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Journey to Hollow Earth of Admiral Richard Bird

“Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima…

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Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican God. Legend has it he flew off in a UFO for 8…

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The Elder Race – The Shaver Mystery

One of the most controversial tales of inner-Earth-dwellers is the so-called Shaver Mystery. In 1945, Amazing Stories…

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Hollow Earths in Fiction

The idea of a hollow Earth is a very common element of fiction, appearing as…

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Contrary Evidence

Gravity The best scientific argument against that of a hollow Earth (or in fact any…

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Concave Hollow Earths

Humans live on the interior; with the universe in the center. Instead of saying that…

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The Adventures of Admiral Byrd

Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole in…

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Raymond W. Bernard

In 1964, Raymond W. Bernard, an esotericist and leader of the Rosicrucians published The Hollow Earth…

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Recent Theories

Recent Theories The Thule Society, which was well known by Adolf Hitler,reported much about Tibetan myths of…

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